class action

[klɑ:s ˈækʃən]
  • 释义
  • 共同起诉;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The second chapter focuses on the analysis of substantive law of security class action lawsuits.


  • 2、

    If you find three plaintiffs with similar grievances, I'll give you your class action.


  • 3、

    Class action, organization action , relator action and mass action are concrete patterns of public interest action.

    集团诉讼 、 团体诉讼、民众诉讼、检举人诉讼等都是公益诉讼的具体形态.

  • 4、

    Can you say, " Class Action Lawsuit? "

    你问可以 “ 集体诉讼 么 ? ”

  • 5、

    The third chapter is the analysis of the substance of procedural law in security class action.


  • 6、

    A judge is expected to decide later this month whether the class action lawsuit will proceed.


  • 7、

    It mainly evaluates the differences between class action and other civil procedures.


  • 8、

    Is Securities Class Action a Pandora Box?

    证券集团诉讼:是“潘多拉之盒” 吗 ?

  • 9、

    A class action has been launched against AT & T Corp's broadband division for alleged " electronic redlining. "

    的宽带业务部门被指控 “ 电子歧视 ” 而成为一宗集团诉讼的被告.
